Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pre & Post Recruitment Process


            Recruitment is the process of identifying the qualified candidates for right post at the right time.

Pre Recruitment 

            Pre Recruitment is the process of initiating necessary things before conducting the interview. That means calculating the funds, job nature, profile status, Type of recruitment, advertisement and selection. 

Post Recruitment

            Explaining the terms and conditions, job natures, Organization culture, providing Appointment letter, induction, orientation and training



Prior to the commencement of the recruitment process the following issues must be addressed:

1.1. Funding
1.2. Position Status
1.3. Position description
1.4. Recruitment method
1.5. Advertising
1.6. Selection

1.1 Funding

Prior to any recruitment process commencing the department manager will ensure that the position was considered within the current budget as set by Council.

If funding from external sources will be funding the position, these funding details are to be identified and confirmed prior to commencement of the recruitment process.
Recruitment costs such as agency costs, advertising, travel expenses, accommodation etc should also be considered and budgeted for.

1.2 Position Status

An assessment of any vacant position will be undertaken by the department manager to determine the future needs for the position. Based on the assessment the position is to be determined as full-time permanent, part-time permanent, fixed-term employment, temporary, or casual. The position description will be updated to reflect the position status.

1.3 Position Description

All positions in the organisation will have a position description. Prior to any recruitment process commencing, a position description will be developed or updated to reflect the current and future requirement of the position. This position description will be made available as part of the recruitment process.

The level of salary or wages for a position will be determined for all positions prior to recruitment.

For the purposes of recruitment a salary or wages range can be set to allow salary negotiations to occur depending on skills and experience of an applicant.
Other allowances or benefits must also be identified and determined prior to recruitment (ie removal expenses, private use of vehicle, telephone costs, etc)

1.4 Recruitment Method

The following recruitment methods should be considered, and the most appropriate and cost effective method adopted:

recruitment carried out by Council;
recruitment agency (ie Complete Personnel, Mission Employment etc)
recruitment consultant – to be used for Senior Executive positions only

If an agency or consultant is utilised the process undertaken by them in recruitment of staff needs to take into account provisions of this policy in that the process is required to be fair and equitable to all.

1.5 Advertising

In all instances (casual employment excepted) an advertisement inviting applicants will be placed in the West Coast Sentinel. Advertising in other publications may be considered dependant on the position and likelihood of local recruitment. Budget considerations should also be taken into account when advertising in other publications.

All advertisements are to incorporate:

Council name and logo
Position overview
Salary and allowance details (this may be within a range)
specific requirements of position (ie qualifications, experience, specific licences etc)
contact person and telephone number for enquiries including an after hours contact if applicable
closing date for applications – this must be at least fourteen days from the date of the first advertisement.
equal opportunity statement
other information that may be relevant

1.6 Selection Process

The selection process of suitable applicants will commence following the closing date for applications and shall incorporate the following:

selection criteria
selection panel

1.6.1 Selection Criteria

Prior to assessing applications for suitability to a position, selection criteria will be developed by the departmental manager. The selection criteria will be based on the position description being:

Relevant skills required.
Experience is relevant to the position.
Qualifications that are relevant to the position.

Past employment history and referee checks should also be taken into account if relevant to the suitability of the applicant.

1.6.2 Short Listing of Applicants

Utilising the selection criteria, a short-list of applicants considered most likely to be suitable to a position will be made to enable interviews to be conducted by a Selection Panel. This short-listing will be the responsibility of the departmental manager.

Documentation on the short-listing of all applicants should be made, including reasons for exclusion and inclusion of relevant applicants.

Consideration in the assessment of all applicants will be given to the principles and requirements of Equal Opportunity Legislation.

1.6.3 Selection Panel

A selection panel will be formed to conduct interviews with applicants short-listed by the departmental manager.

The selection panel will comprise of a minimum of 2 persons and a maximum of 4 persons, with the panel to be balanced by gender dependant on the applicants short-listed for interview. Also, should any applicants be of Aboriginal descent, the Council will make every attempt to include an Aboriginal person on the panel.

The selection panel will make a recommendation to the Chief Executive Officer on the most suitable applicant to the position, and include reasons for the recommended.

Post Recruitment

         In my view it is concerned with what we do exactly after Recruitment. Giving offer letter, Appointment letter and doing all joining formalities.  After that providing proper Induction and Training program.
        These are the activity which is required after recruitment to keep them retained with teh organisation. Because after recruitment it is more priority to keep them retained.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sourcing Strategies & Procurement Processes

Not long ago, purchase function was seen to be a desk job, monotonous paper work, dull and passive and more of an administrative function. The purchase managements were the fall guys whose only aim was to keep feeding shop floor and avoiding stock out situation.

Today the situation has changed totally. Procurement function is considered to be a strategic initiative and seen to be adding value to entire business process. Profile of the procurement managers has changed and expectations from these managers are different.

Modern day procurement managers manage procurement and sourcing function both at strategic and operational levels. They are proactively engaged in building supplier networks, estimating, controlling and reducing costs besides performing other functions and ensuring service levels. Their job functions are increasing becoming cross functional together with supply chain and manufacturing functions.
Procurement process and paper work is today managed by the ERP systems which drive the procurement business process.

Procurement Function

Procurement function as explained above is one part of the sourcing function. In an ERP enabled environment, procurement function consists of detailed indenting process, procurement budget management, purchase order release, shipment schedule planning with seller coupled with ensuring compliance with documentation and system updating processes. All these processes are driven by ERP.

Procurement function deals not only with procurement of raw materials and components, but also with capital equipments, project procurement, spare parts procurement for after market, managing rejections, defective returns, warranty replacement process with suppliers too.

Vendor development is a key function in procurement. Sourcing and vendor development are some of the skill sets required to be developed by Procurement team.

Procurement function works closely with procurement logistics or inbound supply chain. A procurement professional needs to have operational knowledge of logistical activities in supply chain network, the various agencies, knowledge of policies, customs rules, Taxation, commercial, logistical and customs documentation besides knowledge of commercial trade rules and terms.

Procurement process and sourcing strategy

Though interlinked closely, both procurement process and sourcing strategy are not one and same.
Sourcing strategy deals with planning, designing and building a reliable and competitive supplier base, determining the strategy for procurement, defining pricing strategies and supply chain requirements. The strategy involves integration of its objectives in line with or confirming to the objectives of stake holders in operations, finance. Marketing and distribution. Lastly sourcing strategy involves planning to competitive buying sources for its raw materials, components and services along with alternative variables.
Procurement Process as described above, deals with operational zing business process of procurement function and ensuring performance.

Shift in Sourcing Strategic approach

Having realized that suppliers play a key important role in the supply chain network of the business, there has been a change in the way organizations perceive and approach supplier relationships.

Several factors have contributed to the shifting of the perceive value of supplier partnerships. Complex business models at global scales coupled with market demands have necessitated companies to set up manufacturing or assembly facilities closer to markets as well as in locations where conversion costs are relatively cheaper. This necessitates that the business be supported by a solid vendor base which is able to ensure supplies at all locations.

Advancement in technology and R & D capability enhancement is leading to shorter product life cycles. New versions and product innovation means products become obsolete faster. Besides new introductions of products depend upon speedy development of new design supplier parts and the suppliers having to keep pace with changing designs and requirements.

Lean Manufacturing and cost per unit concept is demanding that the managers keep looking to reduce the procurement cost as well as procurement logistics cost. By developing a relationship with suppliers in a collaborative mode, buyers are able to get supplier companies to hold inventories for them at buyer location and postpone taking inventory ownership up to the point of consumption. Today preferred suppliers follow the buyer into countries where buyer is setting up facilities and take on value added services including managing warehousing in the spirit of customer relationship management.

Therefore managements have realized the fact that to be able to develop global business model, they have to develop supplier partnerships and work with collaboration spirit and invest in developing the supplier capabilities as well as invest into building the relationship. Supplier management is no longer transactional.

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The Blog maintained by Balaji B.Sc.,PGDCA.,MBA.
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