Friday, February 05, 2010

Master of Business Administration & Social Awareness

Hi dear viwers....

I am Balaji. Doing MBA final year and doing my project in IOB. My basic degree qualification is B.Sc., Physics then i complete PGDCA degree through Bharathiyar university..

Fine. Let we share something...

What is MBA?

First we need to know the real meaning and use of mba. The management studies helps to develop the human ability specially mental stability to getting success in personal and pubilc life. It helps to develop our skill through continious motivation. The following key factors must important in Management studies.

1. Proper planning
2. Internal Motivation
3. Commitment
4. Involvement
5. Proper Communication
6. Learning
7. Listening
8. Creativity
9. Decision making skills
10. Feedback acceptance

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